"It is clear that outstanding business people are successful because they deeply love what they do;  they seem to live directly from Essence, without static from a false personality.”

-- Michael Ray and Rochelle Myers
”Creativity in Business”
based on the famed Stanford University course

June / July 2006

Welcome again to The Artful Professional , a free newsletter for people who wish to bring greater creativity and meaning to their work.   

Creating new value is a key driver to success in today's business climate.  It follows that creativity is of paramount interest to the modern professional.   There are many sources of creativity, but by far the most important source is personal Essence.  Being who you are is, by definition, the most unique and most creative mode of operation available to you.

In this issue, we remind you to attend to and live from personal Essence.  You can do that in part by nurturing your relationship to art.  Each time you respond to art, you have the opportunity to connect with your self, with your Essence.   When you respond with open eyes and heart, non-judgment, curiosity and an attitude of honestly listening to your self, you will be practicing the key aspects of a creative life.   Enjoy!

Sue Lebeck, M.S.,M.A.
Founder and Principal

Provide Your Essence with an Artful Workspace

Inspire your self with fine art -- of any size -- in your work space

Collect a wide variety of art images, some which please you, and some which stretch and challenge you

Choose and display a different art image each day, or each week. 

Encourage the display of  a variety of fine art in your larger workplace

Trying not to judge or evaluate, notice your personal response to your chosen image.  What do you see?   What is stirred in you?  What do you discover about your self?

Allow a give and take, a dialogue, to occur between you and your chosen image.  What messages, learnings or affirmations does the image offer you?

Enjoy dialoging about your chosen images and other fine art with your colleagues.  Notice how their responses may be different from your own.

See Something New whenever You Can

If you are going to be in the San Francisco Bay Area the week of August 7 th , I encourage you to check out San Jose 's   ZeroOne: Global Festival of Art on the Edge .  It promises to be something very new, and to offer you ways to stretch your self, experience and respond to whole new forms of art, and exercise your creative mind.

“ZeroOne San Jose is artists making art and using technology as a tool to do so. It is not technology for technology's sake. ZeroOne San Jose is a multi-dimensional, startling and brilliant audience event - with exhibits, live cinema, performances, workshops, and youth activities. All are one-of-a-kind, many never-before, only-here experiences.”

For more information, see


Welcome to ZeroOne San Jose :
A Global Festival of Art on the Edge
AUGUST 7-13, 2006

For other SF Bay Area sources for always-something-new in the art world see…


I urge you to check out the art sources in your own area, and invite your favorites into your life.

Share your Thoughts

Share your insights and your favorite arts sources.  To write Working-Arts , e-mail sue@working-arts.com.

Pass it On

Share this newsletter freely to encourage the Artful Professional who lives within your friends and colleagues.  To subscribe, unsubscribe, or ask a question, e-mail info@working-arts.com.

About the Founder

Sue Lebeck, M.S.,M.A., is Founder and Principal program designer and consultant for Working-Arts . Working-Arts® programs and perspectives are informed by Sue's background in both the arts and the sciences.  With Working-Arts, thinking is informed by feeling, and creative inquiry is facilitated through model and method.

Sue holds graduate degrees in diverse fields, including computer science, and clinical psychology and creative expression.  Her professional career includes nearly fifteen years in networking communications technology leadership and program management, and five years in expressive arts program development, education and counseling.

Sue has taught for several years in the Creative Expression graduate program at the Institue of Transpersonal Psychology ( www.itp.edu ) , is a guest instructor in Stanford University's ( www.stanford.edu ) Training and OD department , and is an affiliate of Dreamfish ( www.dreamfish.org ).  Sue i s active in the South Bay Organizational Development Network ( www.sbodn.com ) and serves on the Board of the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association ( www.ieata.org ).